
Be part of building Scotland's international reputation. Those who work in tourism have a crucial part to play in making sure that visitors have a fantastic experience and go home to spread the word.

The impact you could make:
- You can play a key role in showcasing Scotland to the world.
- You could use your skills to help visitors relax, have fun and take home memorable experiences from the amazing destinations they visit.
- You could be part of one of the fastest growing industries in Scotland and be able to help expand it and support the local communities.

The opportunities within tourism:
There are many roles in demand within tourism. The industry has the potential to:

- Improve relationships between nations.
- Create entertainment opportunities and experiences for tourists.
- Lead to improved happiness, well-being and education.

There are 182,400 people currently working in the tourism industry.*

Job Availability
Between 2022 to 2025, tourism will need roughly 42,700 people to fill job openings.*

Job Diversity
Within the industry, 1,199 Modern Apprenticeships are in training.*

*Skills Sector Assessment 2022