Life Sciences

There are multiple routes into the life science industry - even without a degree. You could work in research and development, drug manufacturing, quality control or as a marketing manager. There's a demand for staff at every level and you could make a real difference making discoveries and affecting change.

The impact you could make:
- Discover new drugs or technologies that improve global health care.
- Help Scotland achieve its net zero ambitions by developing alternative energy sources or fossil fuels.
- Ensure the sustainability of global food sources and animal health.

The opportunities within life sciences:
In the fight against COVID-19, the industry has had a high public profile and a great need for a skilled workforce. It has contributed to the delivery of the biggest vaccination programme in the world - but it's not just about COVID-19. Life sciences is central to Scotland's fight against the climate emergency, precision medicine and using medical technology like Artificial Intelligence to improve our health service.

There are 24,600 people working in the life and chemical sciences industry.*

Job Availability
By 2030, there will be roughly 133,000 ​​​​​​​jobs across the UK in life sciences.**

Job Diversity
There are 74 Modern Apprentices in Scotland training in life sciences and related sciences.*

*Skills Sector Assessment 2022