Choosing a Course

Deciding your future can be a really frightening experience. Therefore, it is crucial that you access as much help and support as possible to ensure that the decision you make is well informed.

In years gone by, it would have been a much more straightforward decision, however, in the digital world that we now live in, the careers that you may end up following will not yet exist. In fact, most of the job vacancies that exist today, did not exist 5 years ago. It is, therefore, important to make sure that you access every possible source of support available to help you decide which path is right for you.

In School

Pupil Support Teacher

Subject Teachers

Careers Adviser

At Home

Parents / Carers

Siblings & Extended Family

Friends & Family Friends


My World of Work
Young Scot Website
Be What You Want
PlanIT Plus
University/College Websites Look at individual website
Apprenticeships in Scotland
The Student Room
Skills For Care
Summit Skills—Careers
Police Scotland
Creative Skillset
Careers That Move
Big Ambition


At Larbert High, pupils start planning their destination beyond school as part of the Broad General Education.

Activities integrated into the curriculum make pupils more aware of the opportunities and challenges in different careers. Our young people have opportunities to personalise their curriculum within broad parameters from S3 onwards, with increasing specialisation as they progress through the Senior Phase.

The pathways model (on the right) helps them to consider their options at this stage and plan their priorities.

This website presents the stories of our learners' journeys towards a life beyond school. We have focussed on some current and former pupils in the Senior Phase, in order to help young people, parents, carers and friends reflect on the possibilities. Hearing about others' ideas and stories can help pupils plan more confidently and in a more informed way.

Choosing a Course

Learner Journeys working in partnership with Larbert High School Skills Framework

"The development of skills is essential to learning and education to help young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. All children and young people are entitled to opportunities for developing skills for learning, life and work."

Building the Curriculum 4

It is our aim to ensure that all pupils are able to properly articulate the skills for learning, life and work that they have developed not only in the curriculum, but also from their wider achievements. The Larbert High School Skills Framework has been designed with our pupils at the centre and will provide the foundations for our pupils to understand what skills are, ways they can develop them, and most importantly how to articulate those skills to gain entry to a positive destination.

In recognition of this and information from the Scottish Employers Skills Survey, we have put together a Skills Framework that properly reflects the needs of our pupils, parents, staff and wider community. The broad headings, under which there are more detailed skill sets, are based on the Falkirk Council Skills Framework, but have been amended to reflect the inner workings of Larbert High School. These are: Digital Learning, Enterprise, Leadership, Literacy, MESP (Mental, Emotional, Social & Physical), Numeracy and Thinking.

Through profiling activities within Faculties from S1 to S6 and during time in MESP, pupils are given opportunities to reflect on the skills they have developed and on their latest and best achievements. Pupils, with their teachers, discuss the language of skills and over their time in school will develop strategies to be able to confidently talk about their skills and the development of their skills. They will also be encouraged to set personal goals for their curriculum and wider achievements which they aim to achieve in the near future.

The publication Larbert High School's Skills Framework provides pupils, parents, partners and staff with a 'one-stop-shop' for skills that are desirable in learning, life and work alongside a description of what that skill means. There are also success criteria that illustrate how a skills can be developed. Our Skills Framework is available on our website at